We will have Sunday School starting at 9:15 AM for all ages.
We will hold 1 service at 10:30 AM.
Pews will not be blocked off to allow people to spread out more.
We encourage anyone that wants to, to wear a mask (but they are not required at this time.)
Please sit as a family unit.
Please refrain from hugging, handshakes, or other physical contact.
Nursery & Children's Church will be provided.
At the end of the service:
The alter will be open for prayer. We invite you to connect with us after the service if you are
uncomfortable with coming forward to respond.
Please wait upon one another and maintain social distance as we exit.
We will continue to post the services online (via YouTube & Facebook).
If you are sick or have been around anyone sick, please remain home.
We are doing our best to continue in person worship while maintaining a safe environment in which to do so. Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is our highest priority. In the possibility of someone who has attended our services contracting COVID, we would close the building, move services to online only, and quarantine for 10 days. Please join us in praying for the Lord's protection and guidance in this time.
We love you and are praying for you. If you have any prayer requests, questions, or needs please let us know. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe!
Pastor, Jeremy Franks